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DoC R&TTE iCLASS Reader 7130C Certificates DoC R&TTE iCLASS Reader 7130C
DoC R&TTE iCLASS Reader 7145 Certificates DoC R&TTE iCLASS Reader 7145
DoC R&TTE iCLASS Reader 6150A Certificates DoC R&TTE iCLASS Reader 6150A
Strong Authentication for Banking Environments Executive Brief Executive Brief Strong Authentication for Banking Environments Executive Brief
Dangers of CSN-only Smart Card Readers Infographic Infographic Dangers of CSN-only Smart Card Readers Infographic
Identity Assurance Nissan Europe Case Study Case Studies Identity Assurance Nissan Europe Case Study
PSD2 and Open Banking Without Pain White Papers PSD2 and Open Banking Without Pain
iCLASS MIFARE DESFire Dual HF Card Datasheet Datasheets iCLASS MIFARE DESFire Dual HF Card Datasheet
DoC R&TTE iCLASS SE Reader RP10E 900L Certifications/ Declarations DoC R&TTE iCLASS SE Reader RP10E 900L
BN_mod_sqrt() – Denial of Service Security Advisory Security Advisory BN_mod_sqrt() – Denial of Service Security Advisory
Ensuring mobile authentication security white paper White Papers Ensuring mobile authentication security white paper
HID PIV IDMS Datasheet Datasheets HID PIV IDMS Datasheet