
HID® Signo™ Readers

The signature line of access control readers from HID


HID Signo Readers bring today’s organizations into the future of access control. Beyond its sleek, modern design, this cutting-edge reader platform provides flexible, reliable performance with support for an unmatched range of credential technologies.  HID Signo extends the leadership position of HID in the access control industry while providing unrivaled security and powerful performance with the addition of new features to better fortify facilities and beyond.  Upgrading your access control readers to HID Signo ensures convenience and security today while preparing you for whatever comes tomorrow — this is the signature promise of Signo.

Key Features

  • Highly Versatile — Support for the widest range of credential technologies, including HID Mobile Access® via native Bluetooth® and Near Field Communication (NFC) capability. Also features Apple’s Enhanced Contactless Polling (ECP) to support credentials in the Apple Wallet.
  • Unparalleled Performance — Ultra secure storage of cryptographic keys on certified secure element hardware, plus a new surface detection feature that allows the reader to automatically recalibrate and optimize read range performance.
  • Connected to the Future — All readers include out-of-the-box support for Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) for secure bidirectional communication. Each reader is also designed to be connected and managed remotely without “sneakernet” or the need to be physically touched.
HID® Signo™ Biometric Reader 25B HID® Signo™ Biometric Reader 25B Multi-technology, mobile ready, fingerprint reader HID® Signo™ Enrollment Reader HID® Signo™ Enrollment Reader Multispectral imaging technology, compact footprint HID® Signo™ Express Reader HID® Signo™ Express Reader Simplicity meets security for traditional physical access control HID® Signo™ Keypad Reader 20K HID® Signo™ Keypad Reader 20K Contactless smartcard keypad reader – multi-technology, mobile ready, mullion mount HID® Signo™ Keypad Reader 40K HID® Signo™ Keypad Reader 40K Contactless smartcard keypad reader – multi-technology, mobile ready, wall switch mount HID® Signo™ Mechanical Keypad Reader 40T HID® Signo™ Mechanical Keypad Reader 40T Reliable mechanical keypad reader designed for demanding installations HID® Signo™ Reader 20 HID® Signo™ Reader 20 Contactless smartcard reader — multi-technology, mobile ready, mullion mount HID® Signo™ Reader 40 HID® Signo™ Reader 40 Contactless smartcard reader — multi-technology, mobile ready, wall switch mount HID® Signo™ Readers in White HID® Signo™ Readers in White Providing a clean, minimalist and modern look

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