HID® identiFUEL™ Vehicle Tags
RFID tags identify authorized vehicles in identiFUEL System
The identiFUEL vehicle tags are highly robust maintenance-free passive low frequency (LF) RFID tags. They are designed for easy application on most industrial or consumer vehicles to wirelessly identify authorized vehicles to use the filling station and fuel type required controlled by Fuel Management Systems (FMS).
Vehicle RFID Tags are the easiest and most cost effective approach to identify vehicles to an FMS. However, if more advanced analytics are needed identiFUEL Vehicle Units can be implemented.
identiFUEL vehicle tags are water and fuel-resistant and architected to withstand commercial fleet and retail fueling environments. To prevent fraudulent activities, vehicle tag models self-destruct if removed after installation.
Key Components:
- Various form factors
- Reports vehicle ID and fuel type to Nozzle Unit
- Optional tamper protected models
- Easy and durable affixation
- 125kHz, programmable tags
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