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HID® OCR601-Mk2

Half page MRZ reader for passports, ID cards and contactless cards
HID OCR601-MK2 Half-Page Document Reader
Key Applications & Features

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The OCR601-Mk2, part of HID's ID document reader portfolio, is a half-page Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) data reader with RFID functionality to simultaneously decode the contents of an ePassport or contactless smart card. 

The OCR601-Mk2 automatically detects when a document with machine readable data has been inserted, and its advanced recognition engine provides highly accurate and instant data capture and decoding.

By integrating the contactless RFID reader/writer, the device simultaneously and efficiently captures and processes data fields, including the holder’s image, from the chip. This combined functionality provides a robust alternative to full-page, multi-illumination ID scanners such as the HID ATOM ID scanner.

The compact design of this half-page MRZ reader enables easy integration into self-service kiosks and gates or for use as a desktop device. Its rugged manufacturing ensures years of indoor and outdoor, frontline and public use.

  Reading Capabilities
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) ICAO compliant travel documents in near infrared (IR) per ICAO 9303 specification Parts 1-4 (2- and 3-line MRZ)Near ICAO compliant travel documents (e.g., French ID)ISO-18013 driver’s licenses (1-line MRZ)
Imaging Active scan area: 5 x 1 in (132 x 30 mm)
Illumination source: Near IR B900, 880nm
Resolution: 235 DPI
Image Capture: (half-page) JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG
Contactless RFID Reading Interoperability: ICAO DOC 9303, LDS1.7, ISO18013 (Driver’s License), PA, AA, BAC, EAC v1.11 (CA, TA), EAC v2.0x (PACE v2, ICAO SAC, CA v2, TA v2
Operating frequency: 13.56 MHz
Supported documents: ISO 14443 type A & B auto-detecting; secure and high-speed data transmission; Mifare memory card support (Mifare ultralight, 1K, 4K cards)
App. interface: PC/SC compliant device

For more detailed specifications, please download the datasheet.

Key Applications

Key Features

  • Single action: ePassport MRZ and chip reading are carried out simultaneously
  • Instant response: high-speed recognition engine for instant detection/reading
  • Low-cost alternative: offers a cost-effective alternative to full-page, multi-illumination scanners
  • Audio feedback: programmable audio ‘beep’ for user feedback
  • Documents read: reads MRZ from ICAO 9303 compliant documents as well as ISO 18013 compliant driving licenses
  • Contactless RFID reader: option for ISO 14443 reader/writer supports ICAO LDS standards, including BAC, PA, AA, EAC and SAC
HID OCR601-MK2 top view
HID OCR601-MK2 side view
HID OCR601-MK2 front view
HID OCR601-MK2 angle
person printing a ticket
HID OCR601-MK2 angle

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