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SmartTOOLS is SmartID’s software suite for access and reader configuration card programming. SmartTOOLS allows users to program access cards to work on SmartID readers in addition to configuration cards that will configure SmartID readers for site specific needs.

ProxBurn, a component of the SmartTOOLS software package, is a card programming tool for MIFARE cards. Card programming options enable ProxBurn to program with Clock-and-Data, parity and ABA configurations. Users have the ability to choose their own security key when programming access cards. After customer security key configuration, SmartID readers and cards provide highly site specific usage.

ReaderTOOLS is a reader configuration software tool that enables users to create configuration cards to customize SmartID readers. ReaderTOOLS allows creation of configurations cards that dictate reader behavior such as data lookup method, security key, output configuration and keypad output. With ReaderTOOLS, customers are able to order generic SmartID readers and configure them with customized access information without making any other entity aware of the customer configurations.

SmartTOOLS is a software and hardware package. The software runs on Windows PCs and connects via USB or RS232 to a desktop SmartID card programmer. SmartID – customized Contactless ISO14443 access control readers and cards, from HID, your leading source for secure contactless access control card and reader systems.

Key Features:

  • Configure Security Keys – Use ProxBurn to program access cards with custom site keys, while using ReaderTOOLS to create configuration cards that custom configure SmartID readers to match custom programmed cards.
  • Programming Flexibility – Program access cards with Clock-and-Data, parity and data length configuration, allowing readers to output data to access control hosts in a variety of ways.
  • Configure Other Reader Parameters – Configure keypad output, output interface, beeper/LED configurations and much more. With ReaderTOOLS, the customization of SmartID readers is in your hands. The potential is unlimited.
  • Runs on Windows – Software runs on Windows 2000 or above.

System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 Professional
  • Processor: Pentium III, 500 MHz or higher
  • RAM: 256 RAM or higher
  • Disk space: 100 MB of available space or higher

Sales Information

ProxBurn and ReaderTOOLS are only distributed under NDA with HID.


Software is available in English and Dutch.

Card Compatibilities include:

  • MIFARE Credentials (64B, 1K or 4K byte cards) – ProxBurn (RS232) for programming access cards
  • DESFire Credentials (4K bytes) – ReaderTOOLS (USB) for programming configuration cards only


Warrantied against defects in materials and workmanship for two years (see complete warranty policy for details).