
HID Crescendo

PKI 認証や FIDO 認証など


HID® Crescendo® 認証システムは、NIST 高認証保証レベル SP800-63 IAL2 / IAL3 に準拠した認定暗号を活用することで、組織に高保証デジタルクレデンシャルを提供します。 強固なアイデンティティはゼロトラストセキュリティの基盤であり、組織が個人および企業データを保護しながら、規制要件を満たすことを可能にします。 

Crescendo スマートカードは、従業員のビジュアル ID 企業バッジとして機能し、ワークステーションのログオン、ネットワークアクセス、電子メールと文書の署名、暗号化に使用できます。 スマートカードに加えて、スマート USB キーなど他のフォームファクタも利用できます。 Crescendo 認証システムは、FIDO2、PIV / PKI、OATH などの複数のプロトコルを実装し、幅広いアプリケーションとの相互運用性を確保しています。 

Crescendo 認証システムは単独で使用することもできますし、大規模なセキュリティを展開する組織向けに、HID のソリューションで管理することもできます。


Key Benefits

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Enable the right security for the right user with passwordless, phishing-resistant and traditional multi-factor authentication
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Maximized Investments

Choose the paths that best support your evolving business needs with the broadest range of authentication methods and form factors
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Compliance Aligned

Address strict compliance and cyber insurance requirements with the trusted industry leader

Find the Right Fit for Your Employees

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Crescendo Key Series

Crescendo Keys offer strong multi-factor authentication (MFA) and passwordless authentication that enhance remote access security, eliminating the need for a smart card reader for employees on the go.

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Crescendo Card Series

Crescendo Cards can be used as a universal credential — a corporate badge that offers both physical access to facilities and passwordless access to digital enterprise resources, like workstation login and network access.

Step Up Your Security

Designed to be easy and fast to deploy, the Crescendo portfolio enables organizations to adopt a zero-trust security approach, protecting personal and corporate data while meeting compliance and cybersecurity requirements, such as CJIS and NIS2. The portfolio includes FIDO2, PKI, and OATH for logical access.

Crescendo authenticators can be used both as stand-alone products or with our multi-factor authentication ecosystem, such as the Credential Management System (CMS) and DigitalPersona, for organizations looking for a large-scale security implementation and for highly regulated industries. 

What Sets Us Apart

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Dual Interface Corporate Badge

We provide one smart card for logical and physical access, with the broadest range of physical access technologies in one device.
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End-to-End Solution

HID is one-stop-shop from the hardware to the ecosystem. One PIN to access multiple logical access technologies.
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We provide choice — the form factors, logical security services and physical access technologies that best fit your use case.
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High Assurance

We deliver authentication assurance level in strictly regulated industries, as per the NISP SP 800-63 Digital Identity Guidelines.

Calculate Your ROI With FIDO2 Credentials

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Research shows that password-related cybercrime is still on the rise and the average cost of a data breach is nearly 4.5 million dollars. Phishing-resistant Crescendo Cards and Keys lower this risk and provide your company with substantial cost savings.

Related Products

HID® Crescendo® キーシリーズ HID® Crescendo® キーシリーズ FIDO、PKI、OATH に対応した強力なマルチファクタ認証や、パスワード不要の認証に対応したセキュリティキー
HID® Crescendo® スマートカードシリーズ HID® Crescendo® スマートカードシリーズ FIDO、PKI、OATH、物理アクセステクノロジーに対応した、高度なセキュリティ認証機能を備えたスマートカードです。



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