
Dell Mobile Security Solutions

Adding strong authentication to IT devices

User Authentication You Can Trust

In today’s connected world, it is essential to know with a high degree of confidence who is accessing IT devices and networked systems. Relying on passwords which can be forgotten, stolen or hacked is no longer sufficient.

For the level of trusted user authentication required today, HID and Dell have collaborated to offer multiple secure authentication options to select Dell Latitude and Mobile Precision laptops, Dell Wyse Thin Clients, and other Dell computing devices.

Authentication options include:

  • Multi-factor authentication hardware embedded into Dell end-point devices that supports a variety of contact and contactless smart cards
  • USB-connected desktop readers that support authentication with contact and contactless smart cards, including compliance with the FIPS-201 standard
  • Biometric fingerprint authentication, including compliance with the FIPS-201 standard

Balancing security and usability, HID DigitalPersona® multi-factor authentication software employs one of the widest arrays of authentication factors in the industry, including those noted above. Enterprise users can quickly and easily gain access to their cloud applications, such as Microsoft® 365, VPNs, corporate networks, Windows® desktops, Citrix® applications and more. Consumers can seamlessly confirm their identity and authenticate transactions.

The interoperability between all components ensures that only trusted users access the devices and services they are authorized to use.

Authentication Options

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Integrated Card Reader

By simply selecting and adding the available contactless smart card reader option to your order, the contactless smart card reader will be integrated and ready for use when your new Dell hardware arrives.
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Integrated FIPS-201 Fingerprint Reader

HID’s FIPS-201 fingerprint sensors have been integrated into Dell hardware for over 10 years.
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USB-Connected Card Readers

The HID OMNIKEY™ contact and contactless smart card readers are compatible with Dell PCs, laptops and Dell Wyse Thin Clients using ThinOS 9.1.
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USB-Connected Single Fingerprint Readers

HID's USB fingerprint readers meet government standards including FIPS-201, and HID has also integrated its fingerprint software driver into Dell Wyse Thin Clients using ThinOS 9.1, simplifying integration for deploying organizations.

Related Products

card reader


Contact and contactless card readers for user authentication

single finger readers

Single Finger Readers

Biometric fingerprint readers for user authentication

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