
用于 CJIS 合规性的多重身份验证

确保警察局及其他执法机构安全、合规、高效地访问刑事司法信息 (CJI)。

做好 MFA 准备

随着移动技术的不断进化,对于警察和执法机构而言,非法访问敏感公民数据、犯罪记录和机动车信息的风险日益增大。 与此同时,确保能够快速轻松地访问这些记录同样至关重要。

通过灵活且可扩展的 MFA 解决方案满足 CJIS 身份验证要求和不断变化的合规性需求,以确保 CJI 安全,并使执法人员能够随时随地轻松、高效地访问敏感记录。


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了解 CJIS 及其意义

了解要保护哪些设备以及如何借助已帮助多家机构驾驭 CJIS 挑战的可信赖领导者给予最好的保护。
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使用最广泛的身份验证产品组合,包括用于解锁门和数据的智能卡、FIDO2 密钥和移动应用程序,以个性化方式部署 MFA。
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可灵活部署用户友好的 MFA 以保护数据,而不会妨碍关键的执法和管理任务。 选择最适合您的需求、预算和现有系统的 MFA 路径。 为了保持合规,您必须用自己拥有的工具或所属的身份来保护您所拥有的某些内容:

Something you know Password PIN Security code Something you have Smart card Security key Mobile device Token Something you are Fingerprint Facial scan + or


HID 提供多种身份验证方法来满足身份安全需求,包括 FIDO2 和 PKI。


仅需几天即可完成部署,不会干扰机构的正常运转。 确保数据和网络安全性符合 CJIS 的 MFA 标准,并遵守 NIST 800-63 数字身份指导准则。

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借助 DigitalPersona,美国亚利桑那州凤凰城警察局得以在执法现场或办公室快速安全地访问犯罪记录,同时满足 FBI 对移动设备的 CJIS 要求。

police officer using laptop in car

HID 帮助哥伦比亚县警长满足 CJIS 要求

借助 Crescendo 智能卡和凭证管理系统,哥伦比亚县警长办公室额外增加了一层安全性,消除了用户名和密码的负担,同时符合 FBI 的 CJIS 要求。


数十年来,HID 一直致力于为政府机构提供高级身份验证安全解决方案。 我们的高级 MFA 解决方案征服了各种复杂的 IT 环境,赢得了众多客户的信赖。

备受好评的 MFA 解决方案

Selecting the Right Solution: Best Practices for CJIS Compliance

The best MFA solution will differ from agency to agency. Use these best practices to guide your decision:

  • Infrastructure That Supports MFA
    Many software-based solutions can support the authentication methods and form factors you already have in use, from physical access cards to mobile devices. To maximize security, however, invest in a solution that can support PKI or FIDO technology.
  • User-Friendly MFA Methods
    Security doesn’t have to slow you down — even when there’s no Internet. Select authentication methods and form factors that are straightforward and easy to use.
  • FIPS Compliant Solutions
    Only federal government entities — and those that have implemented FIPS-201 standards — must select a solution that’s certified compliant with FIPS-140-2. It’s still worth seeking vendors that comply with FIPS standards, as this indicates adherence to state-of-the art security protocols.
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1. When is MFA required?

MFA is required whenever you use a device — whether agency issued or personal — to access criminal justice information (CJI), including:

  • Workstations that are connected to the same network as a CJI file repository or database 
  • Devices that store CJI data or could store CJI (i.e., that contain an application that caches the data or could be used to download it)
  • Applications that contain CJI 

HID recommends that organizations use MFA to protect all the data that they generate, store or access.

2. Do I need AAL2/Phishing-resistant MFA?

Authenticator Assurance Level 2 (AAL2) MFA — also referred to as phishing-resistant MFA — offers a higher level of security but also comes with stricter specifications. Although it is only required for organizations that implement PIV-I or CIV compliant credentials, HID strongly recommends it as a way to strengthen security without much extra expense or effort.

3. Do I need FIPS-140-2 certification?

The CJIS Security Policy requires FIPS-140-2 certification only for federal government entities — or organizations that choose to implement FIPS-201 standards. However, as you look for MFA solutions, it’s worth seeking vendors that comply with FIPS standards, as this indicates their adherence to state-of-the art security protocols.

4. What authentication methods can I choose if I work with HID?

HID offers a wide range of authentication methods including physical access cards, smart cards, security keys, biometrics, one-time passwords (OTPs) and mobile authenticators. These options make it easy to safeguard data without standing in the way of critical law enforcement operations.

5. How can HID help with CJIS audits?

HID technologies are trusted by large and small agencies, and our professional services advisors have decades of experience customizing MFA solutions that address regulatory requirements.

6. Can HID’s MFA solutions integrate with our existing security systems?

Yes. HID’s MFA solutions seamlessly integrate with physical access cards, mobile devices and digital security systems like VPNs, cloud services and legacy applications. This integration makes it easy for agencies to unify physical and digital security — and, in many cases, leverage the authentication methods and form factors you already have in use.

7. What sets HID’s MFA solutions apart from other providers?

HID’s MFA solutions stand out for their support of leading technical standards (FIDO2, PKI, OATH) and a flexible design that makes it easy to customize the right path for each user. With decades of experience in government security, HID delivers globally trusted, user-friendly solutions that meet your specific needs while complying with changing requirements.

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Unpacking CJIS MFA Requirements

Learn what’s behind the mandate, what information you need to protect and how your organization can find the right path to CJIS compliance.

Read the white paper
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The Top 5 Questions About MFA for CJIS (And Their Answers)

Get answers to the most common questions on the new requirements to help you navigate the choices and challenges involved with implementing MFA for CJIS.

Read the blog


