
Cards and Credentials

Providing the Industry’s Broadest Range of Smart Card-Based Credentials

HID® delivers a complete solution of secure smart card IDs and credentials in a variety of form factors for physical and logical access control as well as converged solutions for building and computer access, transit payment, cashless vending, biometrics and other applications.

HID provides the industry’s broadest range of smart card-based credentials such as cards, tags and keyfobs. As part of its portfolio, HID offers non technology IDs as well as single technology, multi technology, and contact chip-based smart cards.

HID Crescendo® Key™ Security Key Series HID Crescendo® Key™ Security Key Series Keys for strong multi-factor and passwordless authentication with support for FIDO, PKI and OATH HID SIO™ Solution for MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 + HITAG1 Card 1451x HID SIO™ Solution for MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 + HITAG1 Card 1451x Migration card solutions HID SIO™ Solution for MIFARE®/DESFire® EV1 + LEGIC® prime 1024 + Prox™ Card 292/295 HID SIO™ Solution for MIFARE®/DESFire® EV1 + LEGIC® prime 1024 + Prox™ Card 292/295 Multi-technology migration solutions with high frequency (MIFARE DESFire, LEGIC) & 125 KHz Proximity HID SIO™ Solution for MIFARE®/DESFire® EV1 + LEGIC® prime 1024 293/296  HID SIO™ Solution for MIFARE®/DESFire® EV1 + LEGIC® prime 1024 293/296 Dual high-frequency migration card with MIFARE DESFire™ EV1 & LEGIC HID® 601X SIO™ Enabled UHF/iCLASS® Card HID® 601X SIO™ Enabled UHF/iCLASS® Card Smart card for parking and gate applications HID® ActivID™ One-Time-Password (OTP) Token HID® ActivID™ One-Time-Password (OTP) Token Portable, easy-to-use One-Time-Password (OTP) Tokens to strengthen their access security HID® Crescendo® Card Smart Card Series HID® Crescendo® Card Smart Card Series Enhance security with smart cards that support FIDO2, PKI, OATH and physical access technologies HID® FlexSmart™/MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 1450 Card HID® FlexSmart™/MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 1450 Card 13.56 MHz ISO thick photo imageable MIFARE DESFire EV1 smart card HID® iCLASS® + HITAG1 Card 202x HID® iCLASS® + HITAG1 Card 202x Multi-technology cards for a number of applications HID® iCLASS® + HITAG2 Card 202x HID® iCLASS® + HITAG2 Card 202x A card solution that delivers easy migrations HID® iCLASS® + LEGIC® prime 1024 + Prox™ Card 252/262 HID® iCLASS® + LEGIC® prime 1024 + Prox™ Card 252/262 Migration card solutions with iCLASS & LEGIC HID® iCLASS® + MIFARE Classic or MIFARE DESFire EV1 + Prox™ 252, 262 & 263 HID® iCLASS® + MIFARE Classic or MIFARE DESFire EV1 + Prox™ 252, 262 & 263 Available with HID Proximity magnetic stripe, contact smart chip, PVC or composite card body

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