
个人身份验证 (PIV) 解决方案

为美国联邦政府控制的设施和信息系统提供符合 PIV 标准的访问解决方案,并为政府和受监管行业提供符合 CIV 标准的身份验证解决方案。


HID 个人身份验证 (PIV) 是一款面向美国联邦政府的集成化身份、凭证和管理解决方案。 该解决方案同样适用于州/省和地方政府,以及部署商业身份验证 (CIV) 凭证的受监管行业。

覆盖身份验证的各个环节,包括身份证明、安全凭证发放、IT 系统和物理访问。

Authenticate Validate Digitally Sign Decrypt 01 ESTABLISH 02 CREATE 03 USE 04 MANAGE Sponsor Enroll Vet Visual Verification Physical Access IT Access Reset/Change Update Revoke De-provision Replace


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通过集成化的 IDMS 系统精简身份验证流程,支持主流权威数据源,可采集州省居民/国家公民的身份信息、收集存储生物特征数据,并连接外部背景调查系统。
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验证身份后,HID PIV 即会发放凭证,然后利用凭证管理系统进行持续管理,包括 PIN 解锁、更新和凭证更换和/或终止。
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IT 系统访问

相同的 PIV 凭证还可用于众多 IT 应用程序的身份验证,包括 Microsoft Active Directory、Azure Active Directory 以及大多数 VPN 产品、网站和云应用程序
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HID PIV 解决方案还可提供其他兼容组件,如用户身份验证、指纹生物识别、证卡和 PACS 读卡器

Proven Impact and Trusted by Government and Industry Leaders

HID’s PIV solutions have been trusted by federal, state, and local governments, as well as regulated industries, since 1985. Here are some key statistics that underscore our effectiveness and market leadership:

  • Adoption Across Government Agencies — U.S. Federal Government agencies trust HID’s PIV solutions for secure identity management and credential issuance.
  • Widespread Deployment — HID’s PIV credentials are utilized by government personnel and contractors, ensuring secure access to critical facilities and information systems as needed.
  • Compliance and Security Excellence — HID’s PIV solutions have been compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS 201) standards since 2006.
  • Advanced Security Measures — HID’s integrated PIV solution supports a multitude of advanced security functions including digital signing, document encryption, and multi-factor authentication, ensuring robust protection for sensitive data, with over 7 million credentials issued. 
  • Seamless Integration — Our solutions integrate seamlessly with over many existing IT systems, including Microsoft Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, and leading VPN providers, minimizing disruption and accelerating deployment.
  • High Customer Satisfaction and Retention — Our clients report improved security and operational efficiency after implementing HID’s PIV solutions and choose to renew and expand their deployments.
  • Global Reach and Recognition — HID’s PIV solutions are currently implemented by multiple U.S. federal and state government entities and private sectors.

See the Results Firsthand

Join the growing number of government agencies and regulated industries that trust HID for their identity and access management needs. Talk to us today to learn more about our proven solutions and how they can enhance your organization's security and compliance.

HID PIV 解决方案


1. 什么是个人身份验证 (PIV)?为什么它对政府机构和受监管行业很重要?

PIV 是用于身份管理和凭证发放的集成化解决方案,对于确保安全访问政府设施和信息系统至关重要。

2. HID 的 PIV 解决方案如何帮助政府人员管理凭证?

HID 的 PIV 解决方案为身份验证、凭证发放和管理提供了全面框架,包括身份验证、安全凭证发放和生命周期管理等功能。

3. PIV 智能卡是否可以同时用于访问物理空间和 IT 系统?

可以。PIV 智能卡可以用于访问政府设施和 IT 应用程序,确保无缝访问各种系统。

4. 除了基本的访问控制外,HID 的解决方案还提供哪些高级功能?

除了传统的访问控制,HID 的 PIV 解决方案还支持数字签名、解密和安全打印等高级功能。

5. HID 如何确保为政府机构和受监管行业提供的 PIV 解决方案合规、安全?

HID 提供了一套专为满足合规要求量身定制的 PIV 解决方案,其中包含身份验证、安全凭证管理和访问控制等功能,以强化安全性。


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