
Product Compliance Support

Open a support ticket for specific compliance request.


Service Organization Controls (SOC)

HID has achieved SOC 2 Type 2 certification. This registration means that HID has been independently examined as being able to deliver upon service commitments in terms of the AICPA Trust Services Criteria relevant to security and availability.

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has defined a set of internal controls at a Service Organization. Compliance with these controls provides assurance regarding the security, availability, and processing integrity of a Service Organization's information systems, used to process Customers’ data, and the confidentiality and privacy of Customers’ data processed by those information systems.

HID Authentication Service

HID SAFE™ Managed Service

HID Visitor Manager (formerly WorkforceID Visitor Manager)

HID Credential Manager (formerly known as WorkforceID Credential Manager)


Service Organization Controls (SOC)

HID Origo Mobile Identities has achieved SOC 2 Type 2 compliance.

  • Issued by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA), the Service and Organization Controls (SOC) standard covers security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy related to the evaluated set of services.
  • This attestation implies that HID Origo Mobile Identities has been independently examined as being able to deliver upon service commitments in terms of the AICPA Trust Services Criteria relevant to security and availability.
  • Achieving SOC 2 Type 2 demonstrates that HID Origo Mobile Identities follows the defined process, industry best practices, maintain its infrastructure, protects the systems and ensuring the product meet all types of deployments up to an enterprise level.

HID Origo Regulatory Compliance


HID Origo Mobile Access & Origo Connected Architecture have achieved SOC 2 Type 1 compliance.

  • Issued by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA), assessed against trust services criteria, relevant to security
  • SOC 2 Type 1 reviews the design of your organization’s internal controls at a point in time. It assesses your organization’s SOC 2 compliance posture and determines whether the implemented controls meet the framework’s requirements
  • Achieving SOC 2 Type 1 demonstrates that HID Origo Mobile Access & Origo Connected Architecture, follows the defined process, industry best practices, maintain its infrastructure, protects the systems and ensuring the product meet all types of deployments up to an enterprise level

HID Origo Regulatory Compliance


ISO 9001

HID Global Corporation has achieved ISO 9001 registration. This registration means that our quality system governing the design, manufacture, sales, support and distribution of our products has been verified by third-party audits.

REACH Regulation Declarations

HID Global Quality Policy — "HID Global is committed to providing the highest quality trusted identity solutions that meet customer product and service requirements through a dedicated continuous improvement system."

HID Global - ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
HID Global - ISO 9001:2015 Certificate (IAI - Netherlands)


ISO 14001

HID Global Corporation has achieved ISO 14001 registration. This registration means that our environmental management system has been verified by third-party audits.

HID Global Environmental Policy — "HID Global will conduct our business activities with the highest regard to sustainable environmental responsibility. We are committed to continually improving our environmental performance and to comply with applicable legal and other requirements. The environmental management system will define objectives and targets for the prevention of pollution through systematic identification and reduction of adverse environmental impacts."

HID Global - ISO 14001:2015 Certificate (Austin)
HID Global - ISO 14001:2015 Certificate (Malaysia)
HID Global - ISO 14001:2015 Certificate (IAI - Netherlands)
HID Global - ISO 14001:2015 Certificate (SPA Italy)
HID Global - ISO 14001:2016 Certificate (Lux-IDENT)
HID Global - ISO 14001:2021 Certificate (Australia)
HID Global - ISO 14001:2021 Certificate (New Zealand)
HID Global - ISO 14001:2015 Certificate (Qingdao)


ISO 14298

HID has always strived for excellence in maintaining high levels of security throughout the assembly of identity documents. Ensuring the highest level of security in the management of its processes, enables HID to protect its products and customer reputation against forgery and counterfeiting. This certification enhances the company's reputation for reliability and trustworthiness, attracting clients who prioritize security in their identity needs.

HID Global - ISO 14298:2022 Certificate (MSPP - Malta)


ISO 27001

HID Global Corporation has achieved ISO 27001:2022 registration. This registration means that our quality systems governing the management, storage and protection of information assets have been verified by third-party audits.

HID Global Information Security Policy - "HID Global powers the trusted identities of the world's people, places, and things, and we are committed to safeguarding the security of these identities, our business solutions, and our corporate and customer information. To ensure we maintain our customer's confidence, we have established a comprehensive Information Security Management System to exceed recognized security requirements and continue to be the world's trusted source for identity security."

HID Global - ISO 27001:2013 Certificate (IAI - Netherlands)
HID Global - ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Certificate (HID Origo Mobile Identities, HID Origo Management Portal, HID Origo Connected Architecture, HID Authentication Service, HID Approve, HID Visitor Manager (formerly WorkforceID Visitor Manager) and HID SAFE Managed Service,HID Origo Identity Positioning, HID Origo Mobile access)
HID Global - ISO 27001:2022 Certificate (ISMS - Malta)


ISO 27018

HID Global Corporation has achieved ISO 27018:2019 registration. This registration builds on ISO27001 with a focus on Personal Identifiable Information (PII) controls and protections applicable to public cloud services. This registration means that HID’s implementation of controls and protection in relation to Personal Identifiable Information (PII) has been independently verified by third-party audits. 

HID Global – ISO/IEC 2018:2019 (HID Authentication Service)



CSA STAR Level 2: Certification

Cloud Security Alliance is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to “promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and to provide education on the uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other forms of computing.”

HID Global is a corporate member of the Cloud Security Alliance and participates in CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR) certification to adhere, to cloud security best practices.

On 15 Oct 2023, HID PACS for below scope was assessed and certified for CSA Star 2 certification, which can be referred in the link https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/star/registry/hid-global.

The scope of the CSA STAR certification is aligned to the scope of the information security management system (ISMS) that covers the information security framework for the activities relating to the development, provision, maintenance, and operations of the in-scope applications and services listed below, and in accordance with the statement of applicability, version Q, dated December 21, 2022. The ISMS preserves the confidentiality, integrity, availability (CIA), and privacy of HID Global information assets and processes for the following services:

HID Origo Cloud Platform and Services:

  • HID Origo Mobile Identities
  • HID Origo Management Portal
  • HID Origo Connected Architecture

HID Origo Regulatory Compliance


Product Environmental Certifications

HID Global is connecting our environmentally-focused customers with our environmental product features and certifications. Leading the way are our Physical Access Control iCLASS© Readers. HID Global has partnered with GreenCircle™ to provide independent third-party validation, assuring our sustainability claims and reinforcing our position as a market leader.

HID Signo™ Reader 20 Energy-Savings GreenCircle Certification

HID Signo Keypad Reader 20K Energy-Savings GreenCircle Certification

HID Signo Reader 40 Energy-Savings GreenCircle Certification

HID Signo Keypad Reader 40K Energy-Savings GreenCircle Certification

iCLASS SE®/multiCLASS SE®/pivCLASS® Reader Energy-Savings GreenCircle Certification

iCLASS SE Express Reader Energy-Savings GreenCircle Certification


EPR E-Waste Management

HID Global commits to collecting e-waste and processing it for safe recycling via EWRI (E-Waste Recyclers of India) as stated in E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2020.

E-Waste Statement


Environmental Product Declarations

HID Signo 20/20K Reader
HID Signo 40/40K Reader


LEED Certification Contribution

HID Global iCLASS readers - LEED Certification Contribution


Conflict Minerals

HID Global Corporate Conflict Minerals Policy


REACH Regulation Declarations

HID Signo

Fargo Printer Cartridge
and Refill Products




Passive Credentials


WEEE Directive

WEEE Declaration


UL Listings

Generally, HID pursues applicable UL Listings for its products. Actual UL recognition is indicated by the label on the product, and not by statements on this web site or in any product literature. To verify UL status recognition use the following instructions:

  1. Go to http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm
  2. Enter the company name (HID Global, Fargo Electronics, Integrated Engineering, or OmniKey GMBH).
  3. Click on "Search"DoC Fargo/HID C50, DTC1000, DTC1000M, DTC1000Me, DTC1250e, DTC4000, DTC4250e, DTC4500 & DTC4500e
  4. You will see all the UL and Canada Listings and links on the right side of the page.


Compliance with US Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

HID Radio products required by FCC Rules and Regulations for Certification may be verified using the following instructions:

  1. Go to the FCC website at: https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/GenericSearch.cfm
  2. Enter the Grantee Code box (see below)
  3. Enter the Product Code box (follows the 3 digit Grantee Code on the product label)

HID Global Corporation and Subsidiary Grantee Codes:

  • HID Global = JQ6
  • Fargo Electronics = JZ2
  • OmniKey GMBH = SIY


Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)

HID Global is a certified partner in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) in the United States.

  • The C-TPAT certification process examines physical and procedural security aspects of an entire supply chain using a documented set of standard requirements.
  • HID Global has been a member of the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program since 2003.
  • C-TPAT partners worldwide have worked with CBP to protect their supply chains from theft, damage and concealment of contraband - including weapons of mass destruction.

Industry Canada

HID Radio products required by Industry Canada Rules and Regulations for Certification may be verified using the following instructions:

  1. Go to the REL website at: http://www.ic.gc.ca/app/sitt/reltel/srch/nwRdSrch.do?lang=eng
  2. Enter the Company Code box (see below)
  3. Search and display all certifications – search for the model number in the lists corresponding with the product

HID Global Corporation and Subsidiary Company Codes:

  • HID Global = 2236B
  • Fargo Electronics = 6019A
  • OmniKey GMBH = 4345A


North American Security Products Organization

HID is member of NASPO, the North American Security Products Organization.


Card Quality Management (CQM)

HID's Inlay for contactless received Card Quality Management (CQM) Certifications from MasterCard. CQM is a quality program ensuring high quality standards throughout the entire production process of MasterCard-branded products.

MasterCard CQM - Certificate (Malaysia)

HID Global HTS Codes & ECCN

HID Global HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule) codes and ECCN (Export Control Classification number)

  • Please contact your Customer Service Representative for harmonized system (HS) and export control classification number (ECCN) information

Regulatory Certification by Country Tables

HID® Aero™ Controllers Certification Table
HID® Signo™ Readers Certification Table
HID® Signo™ Biometric Reader 25B Certification Table
iCLASS SE Mobile Enabled Readers Certification Table 
iCLASS SE Standard Readers Certification Table
iCLASS SE U90 Reader Certification Table 
iCLASS SE Express Certification Table 
iCLASS SE RB25F Certification Table 


ATEX Certificates

HID Fueling Automation ATEX Certificate
HID Fueling Automation IECEx Test Report Summary Certificate
HID INTag ATEX ExVeritas Certificate
HID INTag IECEx Certificate of Conformity
HID INTag UK-Type Examination Certificate
HID PolyTag ATEX Certificate
HID PolyTag IECEx Certificate of Conformity
HID PolyTag UK-Type Examination Certificate


Seos® - SEAL-5 TÜV Security Certification

The Seos 16K and Seos 8K bamboo credentials from HID Global have achieved a SEAL-5 rating, the highest level attainable, during an independent security evaluation conducted by TÜV (short for German: Technischer Überwachungsverein, English: Technical Inspection Association). This means that Seos now offers the first and only finished physical access control cards to have ever been certified by an independent security laboratory.

TÜV NORDGmbH Security Qualification of Seos Certificate



CE Radio Product Declaration of Conformity


Product Type: Trade Name(s): Further Description:
(only where required)
Model Number(s): EU File and Link UK File and Link
125 kHz, 13.56 MHz & BLE NFC Proximity Reader HID Vento Smart Card Reader HID Vento Reader 20 DoC-RED_HID Vento Reader_20_106.pdf UK DoC-RED_HID Vento Reader_20_106
Contactless Reader HID Signo Smart Card Reader HID Signo Reader 20 DoC-RED_HID SIGNO Reader_20_106.pdf UK DoC-RED_HID SIGNO Reader_20_106.pdf
Contactless Reader HID Signo Smart Card Reader HID Signo Reader 20K DoC-RED_HID_Signo_Reader_20K.pdf UK DoC-RED_HID SIGNO Reader_20K_108.pdf
Contactless Reader HID Signo Smart Card Reader HID Signo Reader 40 DoC-RED_HID_Signo_Reader_40.pdf UK DoC-RED_HID SIGNO Reader_40_107.pdf
Contactless Reader HID Signo Smart Card Reader HID Signo Reader 40K DoC-RED_HID_Signo_Reader_40K.pdf UK DoC-RED_HID SIGNO Reader_40K_109.pdf
Contact Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 1021 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_1021_CER-00180.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_1021_CER-00180.pdf
Contact RFID Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 3021 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3021_CER-00181.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3021_CER-00181.pdf
Contact RFID Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 3111 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3111_CER-00182.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3111_CER-00182.pdf
Logical Access Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 3121 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3121_CER-00183.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3121_CER-00183.pdf
Contact Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 3821 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3821_CER-00184.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3821_CER-00184.pdf
Contact RFID Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader Demo Kit 3921 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3821_CER-00184.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3921_3.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5021 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5021 CL_CER-00185.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5021 CL_CER-00185.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5023 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY 5023 CL_5023_102.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY 5023 CL_5023_102.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 5025 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5025 CL_CER-00186.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5025 CL_CER-00186.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5027 CK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5027 CK_CER-00XXXXX.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5027 CK_CER-00XXXXX.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 5325 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5325 CL_CER-00187.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5325 CL_CER-00187.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 5421 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5421_CER-00188.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5421_CER-00188.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5422 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY 5422_5422_105.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY 5422_5422_105.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 5427 DoC-R&TTE_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5427.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5427 CK_CER-00205.pdf
Contact Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 6121 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_6121_6.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_6121_6.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 6321 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_6321 CLi_64.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_6321 CLi_64.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Smart ID Reader SW100 8030 DoC-RED_Smart ID Reader_8030_CER-00191.pdf UK DoC-RED_Smart ID Reader_8030_CER-00191.pdf
13.56 MHz Module MIFARE Easy Reader MIFARE Easy Embedded Readers 0701800004 DoC-R&TTE_MIFARE Easy Reader_0701800004.pdf UK DoC-RED_MIFARE Easy Reader_0701800004_CER-00192.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader EntryProx 4045C DoC-R&TTE_Prox Reader_4045C.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_4045C_CER-00194.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader Mobile Express Card Reader 4321 V2 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_4321 V2_CER-00195.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_4321 V2_CER-00195.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader ProxPro 5352A DoC-R&TTE_Prox Reader_5352A.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5352A_CER-00196.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader ProxPro 5355A DoC-R&TTE_Prox Reader_5355A.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5355A_CER-00197.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader ProxPro 5358A DoC-R&TTE_Prox Reader_5358A.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5358A_CER-00198.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader MiniProx 5365E DoC-R&TTE_Prox Reader_5365E.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5365E_CER-00199.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader MiniProx 5368E DoC-R&TTE_Prox Reader_5368E.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5368E_CER-00200.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader MaxiProx 5375A DoC-R&TTE_Prox Reader_5375A.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5375A_CER-00201.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader Thinline II 5395C DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5395C_CER-00203.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5395C_CER-00203.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader Thinline II 5398C DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5398C_CER-00204.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5398C_CER-00204.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader 5427 CK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5427 CK_CER-00205.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5427 CK_CER-00205.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader ProxPro II 5455B DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5455B_CER-00206.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5455B_CER-00206.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader ProxPro II 5458B DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5458B_CER-00207.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_5458B_CER-00207.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Prox Reader ProxPoint 6005B DoC-RED_Prox Reader_6005B_CER-00208.pdf UK DoC-RED_Prox Reader_6005B_CER-00208.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller VertX Memory Upgrade MEMORY16MB 70016A DoC-EMC_VertX Memory Upgrade_70016A.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_VertX Memory Upgrade_70016A.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Smart ID Reader Smart S10 8030D DoC-RED_Smart ID Reader_8030D_CER-00210.pdf UK DoC-RED_Smart ID Reader_8030D_CER-00210.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Smart ID Reader Smart ID SK10 8031D DoC-RED_Smart ID Reader_8031D_CER-00211.pdf UK DoC-RED_Smart ID Reader_8031D_CER-00211.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader Décor Reader 95A DoC-R&TTE_iCLASS SE Reader_Décor Reader.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP95A_87.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Advantage Series Reader (ASR) Flex Pass FPb5scA ASR-503 DoC-RED_Advantage Series Reader (ASR)_ASR-503_CER-00213.pdf UK DoC-RED_Advantage Series Reader (ASR)_ASR-503_CER-00213.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Advantage Series Reader (ASR) Flex Pass FPb5scA ASR-505 DoC-RED_Advantage Series Reader (ASR)_ASR-505_CER-00214.pdf UK DoC-RED_Advantage Series Reader (ASR)_ASR-505_CER-00214.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Advantage Series Reader (ASR) ASR Long Range Reader ASR-620++ DoC-RED_Advantage Series Reader (ASR)_ASR-620++_CER-00215.pdf UK DoC-RED_Advantage Series Reader (ASR)_ASR-620++_CER-00215.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS BIO500 6190B BIO500 DoC-RED_iCLASS BIO500_BIO500_CER-00216.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS BIO500_BIO500_CER-00216.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader EM Reader 1 10936-001 EM45OOA DoC-RED_EM Reader 1_EM45OOA_CER-00217.pdf UK DoC-RED_EM Reader 1_EM45OOA_CER-00217.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader FlexPass Keypad Reader ARK-501 FP50tcf DoC-RED_FlexPass Keypad Reader_FP50tcf_CER-00218.pdf UK DoC-RED_FlexPass Keypad Reader_FP50tcf_CER-00218.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader ProxSmith Field Programmer AFP-1000 FP50tcf DoC-RED_ProxSmith Field Programmer_FP50tcf_CER-00219.pdf UK DoC-RED_ProxSmith Field Programmer_FP50tcf_CER-00219.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader FlexPass Mid Range Reader ASR-610 Reader FPb23cf DoC-RED_FlexPass Mid Range Reader_FPb23cf_CER-00220.pdf UK DoC-RED_FlexPass Mid Range Reader_FPb23cf_CER-00220.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader FlexPass Mid Range Reader SUB SER-610 FPb23cS DoC-RED_FlexPass Mid Range Reader_FPb23cS_CER-00221.pdf UK DoC-RED_FlexPass Mid Range Reader_FPb23cS_CER-00221.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Flexpass Slim Wallswitch Classic Reader CEM-603, KSF FPC0500A, FPb5scA DoC-R&TTE_Flexpass Slim Wallswitch Classic Reader_FPC0500A, FPb5scA.pdf UK DoC-RED_Flexpass Slim Wallswitch Classic Reader_FPC0500A, FPb5scA_CER-00222.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller VertX Memory Upgrade 70032A MEMORY32MB DoC-EMC_VertX Memory Upgrade_70032A.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_VertX Memory Upgrade_70032A.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 900N R10E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_R10E_CER-00224.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_R10E_CER-00224.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 910N R15E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_R15E_CER-00225.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_R15E_CER-00225.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 920N R40E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_R40E_CER-00226.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_R40E_CER-00226.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 921N RK40E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RK40E_CER-00227.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RK40E_CER-00227.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 923N RKCL40E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RKCL40E_CER-00228.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RKCL40E_CER-00228.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS Reader 6172B RKL55C DoC-RED_Contactless Smart Card Reader with LCD and Keypad_RKL55_CER-00XXXXX.pdf UK DoC-RED_Contactless Smart Card Reader with LCD and Keypad_RKL55_CER-00XXXXX.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader bioCLASS Reader Enroller 6180B RKLB57 DoC-RED_bioCLASS Reader Enroller_RKLB57_CER-00230.pdf UK DoC-RED_bioCLASS Reader Enroller_RKLB57_CER-00230.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader bioCLASS Reader Enroller 6188B RKLB57 DoC-RED_bioCLASS Reader Enroller_RKLB57_CER-00231.pdf UK DoC-RED_bioCLASS Reader Enroller_RKLB57_CER-00231.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 900L RP10E

DoC-R&TTE_iCLASS SE Reader_RP10E_900L.pdf


UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP10E_900L_CER-00233.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 900P RP10E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP10E_CER-00233.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP10E_CER-00233.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 910L RP15E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP15E_CER-00234.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP15E_CER-00234.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 910P RP15E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP15E_CER-00235.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP15E_CER-00235.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 920L RP40E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP40E_CER-00236.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP40E_CER-00236.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 920P RP40E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP40E_CER-00237.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RP40E_CER-00237.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 921L RPK40E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RPK40E_CER-00238.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RPK40E_CER-00238.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader 921P RPK40E DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RPK40E_CER-00239.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader_RPK40E_CER-00239.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS Reader 6171B RWKL550C DoC-RED_iCLASS Reader_RWKL550C_CER-00240.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS Reader_RWKL550C_CER-00240.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader bioCLASS Smart Card Reader 6181B RWKLB575 DoC-RED_bioCLASS Smart Card Reader_RWKLB575_CER-00241.pdf UK DoC-RED_bioCLASS Smart Card Reader_RWKLB575_CER-00241.pdf


Reader Core

Product Type: Trade Name(s): Further Description:
(only where required)
Model Number(s): EU File and Link UK File and Link
13.56 MHz Module Multi ISO Reader Core ISO Reader Core 0701800159-1 DoC-R&TTE_Multi ISO Reader Core_0701800159-1.pdf UK DoC-RED_Multi ISO Reader Core_0701800159-1.pdf
13.56 MHz Module identiCLASS Reader Core Embedded OEM module DG3300 DoC-RED_identiCLASS Reader Core_DG3300.pdf UK DoC-RED_identiCLASS Reader Core_DG3300.pdf
13.56 MHz Module identiCLASS Reader Core Embedded OEM module DG3500 DoC-RED_identiCLASS Reader Core_DG3500.pdf UK DoC-RED_identiCLASS Reader Core_DG3500.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Embedded Module ISO Reader Board 0701800160 DoC-R&TTE_Embedded Module_0701800160.pdf UK DoC-RED_Embedded Module_0701800160_CER-00246.pdf
Developers Tool Kit Embedded OEM Developers Kit OEM Tool Kit 3134BNC DoC-RED_Embedded OEM Developers Kit_3134BNC_CER-00248.pdf UK DoC-RED_Embedded OEM Developers Kit_3134BNC_CER-00248.pdf


Embedded Modules

Product Type: Trade Name(s): Further Description:
(only where required)
Model Number(s): EU File and Link UK File and Link
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Reader Desktop reader 5121 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5121_CER-00250.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5121_CER-00250.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Reader Desktop reader 5125 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5125_CER-00251.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5125_CER-00251.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader OMNIKEY Reader OMNIKEY 5127CK MINI DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5127CK MINI_CER-00252.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader 5127CK MINI_OMNIKEY 5127CK MINI_.pdf
13.56 MHz Module MIFARE Easy Reader MIFARE Easy Embedded Readers 0701800004 DoC-R&TTE_MIFARE Easy Reader_0701800004.pdf UK DoC-RED_MIFARE Easy Reader_0701800004_CER-00192.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Embedded Module ISO Reader Board 0701800160 DoC-RED_Embedded Module_0701800160_CER-00246.pdf UK DoC-RED_Embedded Module_0701800160_CER-00246.pdf
13.56 MHz Module Multi ISO Reader Core ISO Reader Core 0701800159-1 DoC-R&TTE_Multi ISO Reader Core_0701800159-1.pdf UK DoC-RED_Multi ISO Reader Core_0701800159-1.pdf
Developers Tool Kit ProxPoint Plus Embedded Developers Kit ProxPoint Tool Kit 3134AND DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus Embedded Developers Kit_3134AND_CER-00256.pdf UK DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus Embedded Developers Kit_3134AND_CER-00256.pdf
Developers Tool Kit eProx Lock Development kit eProx Lock Tool Kit 3134ANE DoC-RED_eProx Lock Development kit_3134ANE_CER-00257.pdf UK DoC-RED_eProx Lock Development kit_3134ANE_CER-00257.pdf
Developers Tool Kit identiCLASS Development Tool Kit identiCLASS Tool Kit 3134ANH DoC-RED_identiCLASS Development Tool Kit_3134ANH_CER-00258.pdf UK DoC-RED_identiCLASS Development Tool Kit_3134ANH_CER-00258.pdf
Developers Tool Kit OMNIKEY CK Development Tool Kit OMNIKEY CK Tool Kit 3134ANL DoC-RED_OMNIKEY CK Development Tool Kit_3134ANL_CER-00260.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY CK Development Tool Kit_3134ANL_CER-00260.pdf
Developers Tool Kit iCLASS SE Reader Module Development Tool Kit iCLASS SE Reader Module Tool Kit 3134ANM DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader Module Development Tool Kit_3134ANM_CER-00261.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader Module Development Tool Kit_3134ANM_CER-00261.pdf
Developers Tool Kit veriCLASS Development Tool Kit veriCLASS Tool Kit 3134ANJ DoC-RED_veriCLASS Development Tool Kit_3134ANJ_CER-00259.pdf UK DoC-RED_veriCLASS Development Tool Kit_3134ANJ_CER-00259.pdf
Developers Tool Kit Embedded OEM Developers Kit OEM Tool Kit 3134BNC DoC-RED_Embedded OEM Developers Kit_3134BNC_CER-00248.pdf UK DoC-RED_Embedded OEM Developers Kit_3134BNC_CER-00248.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader eProx MCM MultiChip Embedded Reader Module 4025A DoC-RED_eProx MCM_4025A_CER-00263.pdf UK DoC-RED_eProx MCM_4025A_CER-00263.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module With Wiegand Output ProxPoint OEM 4065A DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module With Wiegand Output_4065A_CER-00264.pdf UK DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module With Wiegand Output_4065A_CER-00264.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module With Wiegand Output ProxPoint OEM 4065B DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module With Wiegand Output_4065B_CER-00265.pdf UK DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module With Wiegand Output_4065B_CER-00265.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module with Clock and Data Output ProxPoint OEM 4068A DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module with Clock and Data Output_4068A_CER-00266.pdf UK DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module with Clock and Data Output_4068A_CER-00266.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader ProxPoint Reader ProxPoint OEM 4068A DoC-RED_ProxPoint Reader_4068A_CER-00267.pdf UK DoC-RED_ProxPoint Reader_4068A_CER-00267.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module with Clock and Data Output ProxPoint OEM 4068B DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module with Clock and Data Output_4068B_CER-00268.pdf UK DoC-RED_ProxPoint Plus OEM Reader Module with Clock and Data Output_4068B_CER-00268.pdf
13.56 MHz Accessory identiCLASS Accessory Embedded OEM Accessory 4090A01 DoC-RED_identiCLASS Accessory_4090A01_CER-00269.pdf UK DoC-RED_identiCLASS Accessory_4090A01_CER-00269.pdf
13.56 MHz Accessory identiCLASS Accessory Embedded OEM Accessory 4091A01 DoC-RED_identiCLASS Accessory_4091A01_CER-00270.pdf UK DoC-RED_identiCLASS Accessory_4091A01_CER-00270.pdf
13.56 MHz Accessory identiCLASS Accessory Embedded OEM Accessory 4093A01 DoC-RED_identiCLASS Accessory_4093A01_CER-00271.pdf UK DoC-RED_identiCLASS Accessory_4093A01_CER-00271.pdf
13.56 MHz Module identiCLASS Reader Core Embedded OEM module DG3300 DoC-R&TTE_identiCLASS Reader Core_DG3300.pdf UK DoC-RED_identiCLASS Reader Core_DG3300_CER-00272.pdf
13.56 MHz Module identiCLASS Reader Core Embedded OEM module DG3500 DoC-R&TTE_identiCLASS Reader Core_DG3500.pdf UK DoC-RED_identiCLASS Reader Core_DG3500_CER-00273.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader Module Embedded OEM Reader Module SE3200 DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader Module_SE3200_CER-00274.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader Module_SE3200_CER-00274.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader iCLASS SE Reader Module Embedded OEM Reader Module SE3210 DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader Module_SE3210_CER-00275.pdf UK DoC-RED_iCLASS SE Reader Module_SE3210_CER-00275.pdf



Product Type: Trade Name(s): Further Description:
(only where required)
Model Number(s): EU File and Link UK File and Link
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Mercury HID Mercury Controller MR52-S3B EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR52-S3B.pdf DoC-EMC_MR-Series Controllers MR52-S3B.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Mercury HID Mercury Controller LP1501, LP1502, LP2500, LP4502 Doc-EMC_LP Series Controllers_LP1501.pdf UKCA-UK Doc-EMC_LP Series Controllers_LP1501.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Mercury HID Mercury Controller MR16IN-S3 EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR16IN-S3.pdf UKCA-UK EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR16IN-S3.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Mercury HID Mercury Controller MR16OUT-S3 EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR16OUT-S3.pdf UKCA-UK EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR16OUT-S3.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Mercury HID Mercury Controller MR50-S3 EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR50-S3.pdf UKCA-UK EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR50-S3.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Mercury HID Mercury Controller MR16IN-S3, MR16OUT-S3, MR50-S3, MR52-S3, MR62e  EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR16IN-S3, MR16OUT-S3, MR50-S3.pdf UKCA-UK EU DoC-EMC_HID Mercury_MR16IN-S3, MR16OUT-S3, MR50-S3.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller VertX Memory Upgrade MEMORY16MB 70016A DoC-EMC_VertX Memory Upgrade_70016A.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_VertX Memory Upgrade_70016A,pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller VertX Memory Upgrade MEMORY32MB 70032A DoC-EMC_VertX Memory Upgrade_70032A.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_VertX Memory Upgrade_70032A.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Door Module 82342AM EDM DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Door Module_EDM.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Door Module_EDM.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller DoC-EDGE EVO Door Module 82000K EDM K DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Door Module_EDM K.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Door Module_EDM K.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Door and Wiegand Module 82363AM EDWM DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Door and Wiegand Module_EDWM.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Door and Wiegand Module_EDWM.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Door and Wiegand Module 82000K EDWM K DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Door and Wiegand Module_EDWM K.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Door and Wiegand Module_EDWM K.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Standard 82000C EH400 DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Standard_82000C.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Standard_82000C.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller Edge EVO Accessory Kit 82000K EH400 K DoC-EMC_Edge EVO Accessory Kit_EH400 K.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_Edge EVO Accessory Kit_EH400 K.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Installation Accessory Kit 82000-325-02 EHR40 & EHRP40 K DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Installation Accessory Kit_EHR40 & EHRP40 K.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Installation Accessory Kit_EHR40 & EHRP40 K.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Input Module 82340AM EIM DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Input Module_EIM.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Input Module_EIM.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Input Module 82000K EIM K DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Input Module_EIM K.pdf UKA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Input Module_EIM K.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Lock Module 82301AM ELM DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Lock Module_ELM.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Lock Module_ELM.pdf
Developers Tool Kit EDGE EVO Developers Kit EVO Kit EVO DTK E1A DoC-R&TTE_EDGE EVO Developers Kit_EVO Kit_EVO DTK E1A.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-R&TTE_EDGE EVO Developers Kit_EVO Kit_EVO DTK E1A.pdf
Developers Tool Kit EDGE EVO Developers Kit EVO Kit EVO DTK F1A DoC-R&TTE_EDGE EVO Developers Kit_EVO Kit_EVO DTK F1A.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-R&TTE_EDGE EVO Developers Kit_EVO Kit_EVO DTK F1A.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Voltage Module 82360AM EWM DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Voltage Module_82360AM.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Voltage Module_82360AM.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller EDGE EVO Voltage Module 82000K EWM K DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Voltage Module_82000K.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_EDGE EVO Voltage Module_82000K.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller VertX EVO V2000 Controller 72000B VertX EVO V2000 DoC-EMC_VertX EVO V2000 Controller_72000B.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_VertX EVO V2000 Controller_72000B.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller VertX V100 Controller 70100A VertX V100 DoC-EMC_VertX V100 Controller_VertX V100.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_VertX V100 Controller_VertX V100.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller VertX V200 Controller 70200A VertX V200 DoC-EMC_VertX V200 Controller_VertX V200.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_VertX V200 Controller_VertX V200.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller VertX V300 Controller 70300A VertX V300 DoC-EMC_VertX V300 Controller_VertX V300.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_VertX V300 Controller_VertX V300.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Aero HID Aero Controller X100A DoC-EMC_HID Aero_X100A.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_HID Aero_X100A.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Aero HID Aero Controller X200 DoC-EMC_HID Aero_X200.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_HID Aero_X200.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Aero HID Aero Controller X300 DoC-EMC_HID Aero_X300.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_HID Aero_X300.pdf
Reader Interface & Network Controller HID Aero HID Aero Controller X1100A DoC-EMC_HID Aero_X1100A.pdf UKCA-UK DoC-EMC_HID Aero_X1100A.pdf


Card Printers

Product Type: Trade Name(s): Further Description:
(only where required)
Model Number(s): EU File and Link UK File and Link
Color Card Printer HDP5000 Color Card Printer X001700-HDP DoC-RED_HDP5000_X001700-HDP_CER-PLT-01124, Rev-E X001700-HDP (HDP5000) EU-DoC.pdf UK DoC-RED_HDP5000_X001700-HDP_CER-PLT-01124, Rev-E X001700-HDP (HDP5000) EU-DoC.pdf
Color Card Printer HDP5000, HDP5600 & HIDPii Plus Color Card Printer X001700-1, HDP5000, HDP5600, HDPii Plus DoC-RED_HDP5000, HDP5600 & HIDPii Plus_X001700-1, HDP5000, HDP5600, HDPii Plus_CER-PLT-01124, Rev-E X001700-1 (HDP5000, HDP5600, HDPiiPLus) EU-DoC.pdf UK DoC-RED_HDP5000, HDP5600 & HIDPii Plus_X001700-1, HDP5000, HDP5600, HDPii Plus_CER-PLT-01124, Rev-E X001700-1 (HDP5000, HDP5600, HDPiiPLus) EU-DoC.pdf
Color Card Printer C50, DTC1000Me, DTC1250e, DTC1250e FD, DTC1500, DTC4250e, DTC4500e, DTCii Color Card Printer X001800 DoC-RED_C50, DTC1000Me, DTC1250e, DTC1250e FD, DTC1500, DTC4250e, DTC4500e, DTCii_X001800_CER-L001428 Rev L.pdf UK DoC-RED_C50, DTC1000Me, DTC1250e, DTC1250e FD, DTC1500, DTC4250e, DTC4500e, DTCii_X001800_CER-L001428 Rev L.pdf
Color Card Printer DTC1250e, DTC1500, DTC4250e, DTC4500e Color Card Printer X001800-DTC DoC-RED_DTC1250e, DTC1500, DTC4250e, DTC4500e_X001800-DTC_CER-PLT-01124, Rev-E X001800.pdf UK DoC-RED_DTC1250e, DTC1500, DTC4250e, DTC4500e_X001800-DTC_CER-PLT-01124, Rev-E X001800.pdf
Color Card Printer HDP8500 Color Card Printer X001900, HDP8500 DoC-RED_HDP8500_X001900, HDP8500_CER- EU-DoC.pdf UK DoC-RED_HDP8500_X001900, HDP8500_CER- EU-DoC.pdf
Color Card Printer DTC5500LMX Color Card Printer X002100 DoC-RED_DTC5500LMX_X002100_114.pdf UK DoC-RED_DTC5500LMX_X002100_114.pdf
Color Card Printer HDP6600 Color Card Printer X002200, HDP6600, HDP600ii DoC-RED_HDP6600_X002200, HDP6600, HDP600ii_CER-PLT-03413, Rev-A (HDP6600).pdf UK DoC-RED_HDP6600_X002200, HDP6600, HDP600ii_CER-PLT-03413, Rev-A (HDP6600).pdf
Color Card Printer FARGO INK1000 Color Card Printer X002300, INK1000 DoC-EMC_FARGO INK1000_X002300, INK1000.pdf UK DoC-EMC_FARGO INK1000_X002300, INK1000.pdf
HID Global FARGO Connect X002400 HID Global FARGO Connect X002400 DoC-RED_X002400_X002400_99.pdf UK DoC-RED_X002400_X002400_99.pdf
Card Personalization System Element Card Personalization System X002500, X002600 DoC-RED_Element_X002500, X002600_CER- EU-DoC.pdf UK DoC-RED_Element_X002500, X002600_CER- EU-DoC.pdf


RFID Readers

Product Type: Trade Name(s): Further Description:
(only where required)
Model Number(s): EU File and Link UK File and Link
Contact RFID Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 1021 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_1021_CER-00180.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_1021_CER-00180.pdf
Contact RFID Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 3021 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3021_CER-00181.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3021_CER-00181.pdf
Contact RFID Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 3111 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3111_CER-00182.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3111_CER-00182.pdf
Contact RFID Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 3121 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3121_CER-00183.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3121_CER-00183.pdf
Contact RFID Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 3821 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3821_CER-00184.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3821_CER-00184.pdf
Contact RFID Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 3921 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3921_3.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_3921_3.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5021 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5021 CL_CER-00185.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5021 CL_CER-00185.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5023 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY 5023 CL_5023_102.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY 5023 CL_5023_102.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5025 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5025 CL_CER-00186.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5025 CL_CER-00186.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5027 CK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5027 CK_CER-00XXXXX.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5027 CK_CER-00XXXXX.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5325 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5325 CL_CER-00187.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5325 CL_CER-00187.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5421 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5421_CER-00188.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5421_CER-00188.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5422 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY 5422_5422_105.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY 5422_5422_105.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 6121 DoC-EMC_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_6121_6.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_6121_6.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 6321 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_6321 CLi_64.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_6321 CLi_64.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 4321 V2 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_4321 V2_CER-00195.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_4321 V2_CER-00195.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5427 CK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5427 CK_CER-00205.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Smart Card Reader_5427 CK_CER-00205.pdf
13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Reader Omnikey Reader 5121 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5121_CER-00250.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5121_CER-00250.pdf
125 kHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Reader Omnikey Reader 5125 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5125_CER-00251.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5125_CER-00251.pdf
125 kHz & 13.56 MHz Proximity Reader Omnikey Reader Omnikey Reader 5127 DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5127CK_CER-00252.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5127CK_CER-00252.pdf
125 kHz, 13.56 MHz, BLE Proximity Reader Omnikey Smart Card Reader Omnikey Reader 5127 CK Mini DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader_5127CK MINI_CER-00252.pdf UK DoC-RED_OMNIKEY Reader 5127CK MINI_OMNIKEY 5127CK MINI.pdf
10-print Finger Reader Guardian and Patrol 10-print Finger Reader L Scan Guardian USB, Patrol ID, Patrol DoC-EMC_L Scan Guardian USB, Patrol ID, Patrol.pdf UK DoC-EMC_Guardian 45.pdf
10-print Finger Reader Guardian 10-print Finger Reader Guardian 100, Guardian 200, Guardian 300 DoC-EMC_Guardian 100, Guardian 200, Guardian 300.pdf UK DoC-EMC_Guardian 100, Guardian 200, Guardian 300.pdf
10-print Finger Reader Guardian 10-print Finger Reader Guardian Module DoC-EMC_Guardian Module.pdf UK DoC-EMC_Guardian Module.pdf
Dual Finger Scanner Guardian Dual Finger Scanner Guardian 45 DoC-EMC_Guardian 45.pdf UK DoC-EMC_L Scan Guardian USB, Patrol ID, Patrol.pdf



Product Type: Trade Name(s): Further Description:
(only where required)
Model Number(s): EU File and Link UK File and Link
BEEKS BLE Beacon BLE Beacon  BEEKS BLE Beacon BEEKS001 DoC-RED_BEEKS BLE Beacon_BEEKS001_44.pdf UK DoC-RED_BEEKS BLE Beacon_BEEKS001_44.pdf
BEEKS Keyfob BLE Beacon KeyFob BEEKS Keyfob BEEKSKF DoC-RED_BEEKS Keyfob_BEEKSKF_R00360 REV A.pdf UK DoC-RED_BEEKS Keyfob_BEEKSKF_R00360 REV A.pdf
BLuFi DC BLE  WIFI Gateway  BLuFi DC BluFi-DC00 DoC-RED_BLuFi DC_BluFi-DC00.pdf UK DoC-RED_BLuFi DC_BluFi-DC00.pdf
BluFi Gateway BLE - WIFI AC Gateway BluFi Gateway BluFi-AC00 DoC-RED_BluFi Gateway_BluFi-AC00_45.pdf UK DoC-RED_BluFi Gateway_BluFi-AC00_45.pdf
BEEKs  BLE Module BLE Beacon Module BEEKs  BLE Module MOD001 DoC-RED_BEEKs  BLE Module_MOD001_CER- EU-DoC.pdf UK DoC-RED_BEEKs  BLE Module_MOD001_CER- EU-DoC.pdf
BEEKs  Duress Badge Beacon BLE Beacon Badge BEEKs  Duress Badge Beacon BVBBN4B DoC-RED_BEEKs  Duress Badge Beacon_BVBBN4B_R00258.pdf UK DoC-RED_BEEKs  Duress Badge Beacon_BVBBN4B_R00258.pdf
BEEKS Badge Beacon BLE Beacon  Badge BEEKS Badge Beacon BVCARD01 DoC-RED_BEEKS Badge Beacon_BVCARD01_R00282.pdf UK DoC-RED_BEEKS Badge Beacon_BVCARD01_R00282.pdf


CE Non Radio Product Declaration of Conformity


Product Type: Trade Name(s): Further Description:
(only where required)
Model Number(s): EU File and Link UK File and Link
Wiegand Swipe Reader Classic Swipe Wiegand Reader 30387 3100 DoC-EMC_Classic Swipe Wiegand Reader_3100.pdf  
Wiegand Swipe Reader Classic Swipe Wiegand Reader 32788 3103 DoC-EMC_Classic Swipe Wiegand Reader_3103.pdf  
Wiegand Swipe Reader Insertion Wiegand Reader 31815 31880 3121 DoC-EMC_Insertion Wiegand Reader_3121.pdf  
Wiegand Swipe Reader Turnstile Reader 31503 3141 DoC-EMC_Turnstile Reader_3141.pdf  


RoHS Recast Directive Declarations of Conformity



EC Declaration of Conformity

Card Printers



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