
HID Crescendo

Autenticação PKI e FIDO e mais


Os autenticadores HID® Crescendo® disponibilizam às organizações credenciais digitais com alta garantia, potencializando a criptografia certificada de acordo com o alto nível de garantia de autenticador NIST SP800-63 IAL2/IAL3. Ter uma identidade forte é a base da segurança Zero trust e auxilia as organizações a proteger dados pessoais e corporativos, além de atender aos requisitos normativos.

Os cartões inteligentes Crescendo, que servem como um crachá corporativo com identificação visual do colaborador, podem ser utilizados para fazer logon na estação de trabalho, para acessar a rede e para assinar e criptografar e-mails e documentos. Além dos cartões inteligentes, há outros fatores de forma disponíveis, incluindo chaves USB inteligentes. Os autenticadores Crescendo implementam múltiplos protocolos, incluindo FIDO2, PIV/PKI e OATH para garantir a interoperabilidade com a mais ampla gama de aplicações.

Os autenticadores Crescendo podem ser utilizados de maneira autônoma ou também podem ser gerenciados pelas soluções da HID para organizações que implementam a segurança em escala.


Key Benefits

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Ease of Use

Empower your workforce with passkeys or certificate-based authenticators to access business applications and doors and a shared or isolated PIN for FIDO and PKI
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Maximize your security investment with the widest range of authentication methods and form factors, including a remote device unlock and PIN reset capability for FIDO and PKI
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Leverage HID’s over 20 years of expertise as a provider of smart cards, digital certificates and lifecycle management to tailor unique passwordless journeys

Find the Right Fit for Your Employees

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Crescendo Key Series

Crescendo Keys provide strong multi-factor and passwordless authentication, enhancing remote workforce security while eliminating the need for a smart card reader for employees on the go.

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Crescendo Card Series

Crescendo Cards can be used as a universal credential — a corporate badge that offers both physical access to facilities and passwordless access to digital enterprise resources, like workstation login and network access.

Step Up Your Security

Designed to be easy and fast to deploy, the Crescendo portfolio enables organizations to adopt a zero-trust security approach, protecting personal and corporate data while meeting compliance and cybersecurity requirements, such as CJIS and NIS2. The portfolio includes FIDO2, PKI, and OATH for logical access.

Crescendo authenticators can be used both as stand-alone products or with our multi-factor authentication ecosystem, such as the Credential Management System (CMS) and DigitalPersona, for organizations looking for a large-scale security implementation and for highly regulated industries. 

What Sets Us Apart

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Dual Interface Corporate Badge

We provide one smart card for logical and physical access, with the broadest range of physical access technologies in one device.
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End-to-End Solution

HID covers the entire authentication journey — from credential enrollment, lifecycle management and certificate authority to smart cards and keys, readers, middleware and card printers
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The authentication methods and physical authenticators that best fit your use case — including contact and contactless options for FIDO and PKI.
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High Assurance

We deliver authentication assurance level in strictly regulated industries, as per the NISP SP 800-63 Digital Identity Guidelines.

Calculate Your ROI With FIDO2 Credentials

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Research shows that password-related cybercrime is still on the rise and the average cost of a data breach is nearly 4.5 million dollars. Phishing-resistant Crescendo Cards and Keys lower this risk and provide your company with substantial cost savings.

Related Products

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Série de Cartões Inteligentes HID® Crescendo® Série de Cartões Inteligentes HID® Crescendo® Cartão inteligente com autenticação de alta segurança, com suporte para FIDO, PKI, OATH e tecnologias de acesso físico

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