Trademark | Generic Descriptor | Symbol | Business Area |
Access-IS | ID Document and Ticket Readers | Access-IS™ | EAT |
Access-IS Scan & Fill | Identification Document Software | Access-IS Scan & Fill™ | EAT |
Access-IS UltraGlass | Scanner Screen Option | Access-IS UltraGlass™ | EAT |
ActivClient | Security Software | ActivClient™ | IAMS |
ActivID | Authentication, Credentialing, Management and Validation | ActivID™ | IAMS |
ActivKey | USB Security Key | ActivKey™ | IAMS |
Acura | RFID Supplier | Acura™ | IDT |
Adept | RFID Tag | Adept Tag™ | IDT |
Aero | Controller Platform | Aero® | PACS |
AllGuard | Server-Client Enterprise System for Location Tracking | AllGuard™ | IDT |
ArcID | Biometric Identity Management Software | ArcID™ | EAT |
Asure ID | Card Personalization Software | Asure ID™ | SI |
AtGuard | Wireless Door Protection and Locking/Alarm Device | AtGuard™ | IDT |
Avenger | Handheld Multimodal Enrollment Device | Avenger™ | EAT |
Axio | Electronic Locking Device | Axio™ | PACS |
BEEKs | Beacons | BEEKs™ | IDT |
bioCLASS SE | Card Reader – dying, candidate to let lapse | bioCLASS SE® | PACS |
BlueTrust | Token Fob | BlueTrust® | IAMS |
BluFi | Beacon Management Gateway | BluFi™ | IDT |
Bluvision | Location Services | Bluvision™ | IDT |
Bluzone | Beacon Management Software | Bluzone™ | IDT |
BookMaster | Passport Personalization System | BookMaster® | SI |
Brysec | ID Document Manufacturing Equipment | Brysec™ | SI |
Cardlam | ID Card Inlay | Cardlam® | CID |
CardMaster | Card Personalization Platform | CardMaster™ | SI |
ceFLEX | Crack-Prevention Material | ceFLEX™ | CID |
Codebench | Security Identity Management | Codebench™ | PACS |
Corporate 1000 | Enrollment Program | Corporate 1000™ | PACS |
Crescendo | Authenticators for converged physical and logical access | Crescendo® | IAMS |
Crescendo Key | USB Security Key | Crescendo® Key™ | IAMS |
Cross Match | Identity Management Solutions | Cross Match™ | EAT |
Crossmatch | Identity Management Solutions | Crossmatch™ | EAT |
Crossmatch Guardian | Fingerprint Image Scanner | Crossmatch Guardian™ | EAT |
DataFlex | Passport Datapage | DataFlex™ | CID |
DBond | RFID Technology | Dbond™ | IDT |
DESK | Low-Speed Imaging Machines | Desk™ | SI |
DigitalPersona | Multifactor Enrollment Software | DigitalPersona® | IAMS |
Fingerprint Reader | DigitalPersona® | EAT | |
DTC | ID Card Printing Technology | DTC™ | SI |
DTCii | Financial Card Encoder & Printer | DTCii™ | SI |
DUALITY | Circuit cards; Electronic Devices | Duality™ | PACS |
DuoProx | Proximity Card | DuoProx® | PACS |
eAdvance | Guest Registration Software | eAdvance™ | IAMS |